Thursday, April 12, 2012

Self Conscious VS. Self Confident

Today I would like to talk about how to go from self conscious to self confident!
You wake up in the morning to get ready for your day.  Walk into the bathroom, you probably have to pee, hop in the shower. . . STOP!  After you take off your clothes do you
A. Stand in front of the mirror and admire the beauty in front of you naked in all of Gods glory?
B. Do your best to stay away from ANY mirrors because you don't like what is looking back at you?
Okay, those of you who answered A already know they have self confidence! WAY TO GO GIRLS! But for those of you who answered B, lets try to find where that self consciousness comes from.
Try to remember the first time you were EVER unhappy with yourself.  Not just physically, but mentally too!  What a lot of people don't know is you can be unhappy with the way you look simply because you are unhappy with the way you feel!
I would like to share my experience with this to further help readers understand.
It all started when I was about 15.  I had just made it through my "goth" stage and was getting in with a whole new group of friends, OLDER friends.  I was so used to being accepted no matter what in my "goth crew" and had no clue what I was getting into hanging out with 20+ year olds.  For those of you who have known me a while, you all know how self CONFIDENT I am.  Hell, I freaking LOVE me!  But after a few weeks mingling with my new crowd, I began to feel uneasy about myself.  I was much larger than the girls I was hanging out with.  I didn't know how to make my hair look perfectly highlighted every day, or how to swim without messing up my mascara.  The longer I was around these people, the more low I began to feel.  I started doing things I shouldn't have done to try to become what these (in my mind at the time) beautiful women were.  I wanted to look like them, I wanted to do the activities they did, I wanted to become them!  It wasn't until one day I looked in the mirror whilst getting ready to shower.  I saw the dark circles around my eyes, I noticed the POUND of makeup I had to take off, but the biggest point was, I was UNHAPPY.  I did everything in my power to look and feel like these girls and no matter how hard I tried to stray away and feel good, there was nothing making me feel happy about my decisions!
Now lets go back to finding your self conscious trigger.  Was it something someone said to you when you were young?  Do you hate stepping on the scale?  Maybe it is just from reading too many Vogue magazines!  Think long and hard about this because I promise you, if you can pin point where you went from self confident to self conscious,you can change it back just as quickly!
Lets talk about a few ways to boost that self confidants.  One really easy trick I have found I like to call "saying your thank yous".  Every morning, before you even get out of bed, simply say "Thank you"!  It is as simple as that.  It doesn't have to be thank you for something, or someone, just simply thank you.
Next, try listening to a song, or band, that puts you in a good mood.  When you wake up and then follow your morning all in a good mood, you'll be surprised how your day goes.  Remember, don't let the little things get you down.  There is always going to be traffic and there is always going to be that ONE person that chaps your hide.  Just LET IT GO!  You are living each day for Y-O-U!
Third, try something new!  Sometimes, breaking out of your shell will give you a new found hope for other things in life.  Even if it is just going to that store you've been looking at online for weeks that happens to be 50 miles away!  If you realize you can accomplish anything, you will be more keen to try lots of new things to improve yourself!  
Forth, face your fears!  Now, I can not stress this one enough!  If you are afraid of that scale, get on it every day!  If you are afraid of looking at yourself naked before the shower, spend 5 minutes every morning and night just admiring what you've got!  Never in a negative way!  So what your breasts are a little saggy, so what you have fat in places you don't necessarily want it, and who cares about those muffin tops.  Muffins are delicious anyways! ADMIRE yourself!  Look at that person staring back at you and say "DAMN YOU'RE FINE!"  If anything, I promise it will make you giggle and at least put a smile on that pretty face!
And fifth, but definitely not last, be good to yourself.  Treat yourself when you've had a great week!  Pamper yourself when you have the extra money!  Go out with friends and be around people that make you feel like YOU!  If you aren't good to yourself, who's going to want to be good to you!

So I challenge you all to use these tips to better yourself!  Lets all go from self conscious to SELF CONFIDENT!

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